I made some corrections and revisions to this earlier Donut Shop project. It was strange revisiting a project after so much time, but fun at the same time to correct errors. It was a nice break from everything else.
Nelson from SF, SJ, & SJSU. Ongoing art blog.Thanks for visiting! Click on images for larger view.
hey whats up cuz its Adolfo, how is it goin. Just visited your parents this past weekend. Your dad gave me your website address. Pretty cool stuff you have. I am doing pretty good. I am trying to finish my web page of my own. I started a little Graphic Design company of my own. I am doing pretty good off of it. well hit me up some time. Later. my web is www.visualelementdesigns.com
Hey! Great job. What did you draw it with?
Hey Nelson!
Donut looks great! What media did you use.
Nice layout Nelly. I really get a sense of the depth in the image. Nice work.
I think all of your work is absolutely wonderful. I'm so proud of you! You are truly talented.
With all the love in my heart...your anonymous friend
thank you. i really appreciate it.
-- Nelson
nice work nelson!
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