Thursday, May 21, 2009

Projects to Finish...
for Jorinda & Joringel

grayscale edit

Just finished up my first semester back at SJSU for my master's. It was a great experience, especially taking JP Balmet's visual development class. He did a great job, gave us challenging projects, and was extremely generous with his advice and knowledge. These are images of my final submissions for the semester. Not 100% finished, by far but pretty clear where its going. These are environments created for the Grimm's Fairy Tale Jorinda & Joringel. Summer is here...


Chris Palmer said...

Jorinda & Joringel? Haberdash!

These are lovely! Really, really nice. I especially love the exterior.

Art Fan Ako said...

Nice details!

Nelson Hernandez said...

thank you thank you...

Vu said...

The Cantor one is sweeet Nelson! I'm loving the colors and lighting.

Nelson Hernandez said...

right on, Vu... thanks for stopping by.