Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What a Crock...
Time for some new stuff...

Final Characters (First Pass...)

Color & Lighting (especially) needs some tweaking. To be cont. this summer...

Fan Boat Driver (color comps)

"Gunner" Character

Fan Boat

For our current Viz Dev Project, something totally different... Fan-Boat Racers. This is what I've got so far. Basically: Fan-Boat racers driven by anthropomorphic animals native to the Florida Everglades, our choice. My animals: American Alligator: junk collectors. This is my boat & my driver (one of two characters). The progress thus far. More to come...


Caitlin Richardson said...

Aw man, Nelson those projects look like so much fun! :( I wanna be in that class!!!!

Tiffany said...

The fanboat looks so cool! :) I'm having so much fun scrutinizing at the little objects.

JaimeRamirezArt said...

AWESOME!!! Im very impressed man. You have really improved in the past few months:) Thats a cool idea of having the Alligator sitting on his own tail and all the color schemes are working nicely. I love the boat design too :)

Jackie W said...

I agree with the other comments! It looks fun but a lot of work. I really need to step up on my mileage if I want to take Viz Dev. XD

Angela Entzminger said...

Your art is fantastic. I dig the gator boat.

Nelson Hernandez said...

thank you, believe me, you are being too kind...